Access IS AKE104969 / 1-STK 15

Official product page

Currently typing on this board. Seems well built, standard ANSI layout and pretty sturdy. This board has two PS/2 and a serial port. It beeps as you power up the PC.

Scratches everywhere

I am not sure how to test this...

Cherry MS Black. Supports NKRO.

This unit seems refurbished
Aside from the scratches, the keycaps are inconsistent. It seemed that this board had missing keys, sent to Access-IS, then brought back to work. Based on the wear-offs, LShift and Enter keys were coated/painted black. Majority of the caps are double sided ABS and someone on the internet says it's made by Signature Plastics (SP).

Though you still have to move your hand,  placement of mouse pointer and buttons seems pretty convenient. The pointer seems pretty sturdy and very responsive too. I also like the placement of the mouse buttons that can be easily accessed by right thumb.

I am not a linear user and finds mx blacks too heavy, but will make this as my main driver for now.
