3x3 9-key Macro Pad - P9

P9 Macro-pad comes in a assembled or do-it-yourself kit. Each kit is composed of the most latest PCB, FR4 top plate, Pro Micro controller with pin headers, screws, bump-ons and 3D printed casing. Hot-swap sockets and diodes are already soldered on the PCB.

There are two fixed switches that are not hotswap. There are the following (labeled as Fixed Sockets):

Please use “pabile” branch of qmk_firmware repository for updated keymaps and settings. 


PxxSharedFiles - bit_ly for shared and/or common files

Quick assembly guide

  1. Install solder pin headers from bottom of PCB
  2. Install switches (or encoders) from top of PCB
  3. Trim excess pins from switches/encoders
  4. Insulated back of PCB where switches/encoders were solders
  5. Install Pro Micro 
  6. Trim excess pin headers



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